Welcome To
Mulia's Portfolio Website
Graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology, majoring in Physics.
With over a year of experience as a Software Developer, I have honed my skills as a Frontend Engineer specializing in web development using React and proficient in Backend development with Laravel.
Health Care Management App
A fullstack application for manage appointment patient record. This website has been built using Next.js TypeScript, Tailwind CSS is used for styling, and Appwrite is used as a database.
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- Appwrite.io
Travel App Landing Page
Created responsive traveling application website using Typescript and Tailwind css
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
Galleria Slideshow Site
The Galleria Slideshow Site is a stunning and interactive web application built using Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework. This project aims to create a visually appealing and seamless slideshow site where users can showcase and explore captivating image galleries in an engaging and user-friendly manner.
- Vue js
- JavaScript
Kanban Management Task App
The Kanban Management Task App is a powerful and intuitive project management tool designed to enhance productivity and streamline task management. Built on the Kanban methodology, this app provides teams and individuals with a visual framework to organize, track, and prioritize tasks in a flexible and efficient manner.
- React
- Redux
I've relevant skills programming with JavaScript, Typescript, Python, MATLAB, MySQL, PHP, HTML and CSS
Experiece with
React.js, Vue.js, Angular and NEXT.jsProgramming Language
Experience with
JavaScript, Typescript, PHP, Python, and SQLUI/UX
Experience with
tools like Figma
About Me
To me, computer science simulation is more than technology. It is a powerful tool to ensure that can be achieved in an effective and efficient manner.
Jr. Software Developer at Wistkey
Full Stack Developer at BLKP Group
Frontend Engineer at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk